Personal Website with mdBook and Netlify


I think it is only fitting if I write this as the first article on this site.

Prior to this I already have a personal website that I also host using Netlify but using a different template that I forked from bchiang/v4.

The template looks nice and all but a bit too complex for my taste. Now I want something simpler and lightweight. I promise you it has nothing to do with the fact that I could not figure out how to change the animation that shows up when you first open the site.

Anyway let's talk about how I set up this new personal website.

Installing mdBook

There are various ways to do this, but I chose to build it from source because I already have cargo installed and I was a bit curious of how long it would take to build a rust project.

To do that, you can run

cargo install mdbook

If you want to install it using other method, you can follow the installation manual from the docs.

Creating an mdBook Project

We can run this command to initialize an mdBook project

mdbook init [your-project-name]

mdBook will create a directory with this following files for you

├── book.toml
└── src

You can run this command to serve your project on local machine

mdbook serve

The next step for me is to make some adjustments to book.toml.

I didn't want the print icon on the top right so I added this line

enable = false

But now the top right corner feels a bit empty, so it might be a good idea to put a link to this site's repo there.

git-repository-url = ""

This is the current content of book.toml that I have

authors = ["M Algah Fattah Illahi"]
language = "en"
multilingual = false
src = "src"
title = ""

default-theme = "navy"
git-repository-url = ""

enable = false

Okay, now I guess it is time to do something that actually matters--writing some articles.

Deploying Using Netlify

Sweet, now I need to make this site accessible for my readers, all 2 of them.

The first option that came to mind is Netlify, I have used it in the past and there is a free tier, so I created new project in Netlify and connect it to this repo.

We need to build this project first before deploying it and for that we need mdbook to be installed on Netlify's CI.

Conveniently mdBook provided pre-built binaries for each of their release, so we can just download that.

I added this as the build command for my Netlify project, adjust the binary version to suit your need.

curl -L | tar xvz && ./mdbook build 

I also need to set the publish directory to book or whatever you configure the output directory to be.

Now the deployment will automatically triggered when you push your changes to your repository.
